The Winning Rose

In the realm of frost and icy disdain,

A tale unfolds of the rose’s reign,

From a barren plain where winter’s might,

Bore a blossom fair, bathed in frozen light.

Born of chill, the rose dared to dream,

To defy the cold, in a world extreme,

Petals of ivory, delicate and rare,

A symbol of beauty, beyond compare.

Amidst the snowflakes, it silently grew,

A beacon of hope, where despair once drew,

Its thorny embrace, a shield from despair,

A symbol of strength, amid winter’s snare.

Through gusts of frost, it unfurled its grace,

With every petal, a smile on its face,

The rose that rose, from the frigid ground,

Whispered secrets of resilience profound.

For in its struggle, a lesson it bore,

That life’s harshest trials can open the door,

To the depths of our souls, where strength resides,

And the fire within, forever abides.

Its fragrance carried on a frosty breeze,

A testament to the heart’s unease,

For the rose that rose from a frozen plain,

Became a beacon of love’s refrain.

Through endless winter, it bloomed with grace,

A symbol of hope in an icy embrace,

And as spring approached, with its gentle kiss,

The rose stood tall, a triumph of bliss.

In the realm of frost, a legend was born,

The rose that rose, a beauty to adorn,

Forever it shines, in hearts and minds,

The rose that rose, where hope entwines.

Beautifully Yellow

The beautiful yellow shine
spreads itself before my eyes
touching my face with its warmth
my heart pumps with love and excitement
to see its lovely face.
Wings of the heaven started a
new music to dance to
Underneath the flourishing green umbrella
I stood to watch the beautiful
Harmonious color
I must thank the great one that sent this beauty to me
My endless appreciation I will give
by putting my hands together
Thanking him for another memory
in this beautiful universe.

Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday is a wonderful way to say I was born and I am alive today. A perfect day to share laughter with amazing friends and family, who will shout special greetings to make you gloat, the feeling of happiness to fill your soul. Tangible gifts are very nice but gifts from the heart are worth twice. oh what fun this day brings, we can dance and sing praises to a magnificent king. He has kept us here today to celebrate yet another birthday.

We Can Be So Ungrateful

Why can’t there be a perfect moment to revel in the glory? Why can’t I be happy? I am just not successful enough I am stressed and why’s goes on. We go home to a warm meal sleep in comfortable beds have all our basic needs met, yet we are unfulfilled. I walk along the streets hungry mothers, hungry children, males that have lost hope because they have no idea where the next meal is coming from; neither do they have shelter. when I observed these things; It’s hard not to be depressed. It’s moment like these remind me of how ungrateful we can be. If they had a chance to walk an inch in our shoe their gratitude would be far greater than this whining nature that we portray; they would have already learned what it is to be at their lowest.
I am not saying we should settle and not try to go above and beyond our achievements; I am simply saying be thankful for every moment of every day. Change what we can change in our lives, what we can’t leave it to our almighty God he alone has the power to do so.
Life at times take us to desolate places and leaves us with testimonies to share when it takes us to where we should be.


Who Says Words Could Not Hurt You.


Stronger than ever!
Dodging words you say could not hurt you.
strangers said them, so you let it slide
for the stranger as no place at your side, but
Then comes someone you look up to for ages
with just one wrong word and your brick wall
That once stood tall, crumbled, dispersing smoke
Awaiting rain to fall.
High Expectations, a risky one,
So can only, hope for the best in everyone.
The truth will always reveal itself
That people are just People,
Got your back or not they are just who they are.

In The Rough

My absence has made my heart feel empty

Not able to share what’s happening in my world

My mind was dragged to another place

A place that demanded my attention

A place that will force you to look on no other.

In this place my cries for freedom go unanswered.

But yet again I have escaped,

I have broken the chains

Hoping never to be captured again.
