The Winning Rose

In the realm of frost and icy disdain,

A tale unfolds of the rose’s reign,

From a barren plain where winter’s might,

Bore a blossom fair, bathed in frozen light.

Born of chill, the rose dared to dream,

To defy the cold, in a world extreme,

Petals of ivory, delicate and rare,

A symbol of beauty, beyond compare.

Amidst the snowflakes, it silently grew,

A beacon of hope, where despair once drew,

Its thorny embrace, a shield from despair,

A symbol of strength, amid winter’s snare.

Through gusts of frost, it unfurled its grace,

With every petal, a smile on its face,

The rose that rose, from the frigid ground,

Whispered secrets of resilience profound.

For in its struggle, a lesson it bore,

That life’s harshest trials can open the door,

To the depths of our souls, where strength resides,

And the fire within, forever abides.

Its fragrance carried on a frosty breeze,

A testament to the heart’s unease,

For the rose that rose from a frozen plain,

Became a beacon of love’s refrain.

Through endless winter, it bloomed with grace,

A symbol of hope in an icy embrace,

And as spring approached, with its gentle kiss,

The rose stood tall, a triumph of bliss.

In the realm of frost, a legend was born,

The rose that rose, a beauty to adorn,

Forever it shines, in hearts and minds,

The rose that rose, where hope entwines.