The Winning Rose

In the realm of frost and icy disdain,

A tale unfolds of the rose’s reign,

From a barren plain where winter’s might,

Bore a blossom fair, bathed in frozen light.

Born of chill, the rose dared to dream,

To defy the cold, in a world extreme,

Petals of ivory, delicate and rare,

A symbol of beauty, beyond compare.

Amidst the snowflakes, it silently grew,

A beacon of hope, where despair once drew,

Its thorny embrace, a shield from despair,

A symbol of strength, amid winter’s snare.

Through gusts of frost, it unfurled its grace,

With every petal, a smile on its face,

The rose that rose, from the frigid ground,

Whispered secrets of resilience profound.

For in its struggle, a lesson it bore,

That life’s harshest trials can open the door,

To the depths of our souls, where strength resides,

And the fire within, forever abides.

Its fragrance carried on a frosty breeze,

A testament to the heart’s unease,

For the rose that rose from a frozen plain,

Became a beacon of love’s refrain.

Through endless winter, it bloomed with grace,

A symbol of hope in an icy embrace,

And as spring approached, with its gentle kiss,

The rose stood tall, a triumph of bliss.

In the realm of frost, a legend was born,

The rose that rose, a beauty to adorn,

Forever it shines, in hearts and minds,

The rose that rose, where hope entwines.

Ocean’s View


Isn’t it lovely to sit at the seashore to look at the wave crashing back and forth?
Isn’t it lovely to feel the tranquility it brings?
Isn’t it lovely especially in the evening when the sun starts to set?
Whether you are alone or with another this is beauty without regrets? The power of nature how it affects your every mood
When you are in the right place, it’s so soothing to the soul.
If you ever get a chance to sweep the water on your feet,
It is just as good as going in waist deep.
Isn’t it lovely when the water starts to shine?
When the sun fades and you are left with a peaceful mind?
Isn’t lovely

That Unforgettable Day

On that unforgettable day our eyes made four

The sparks I felt was like nothing I’ve ever felt before

You take my hands and let me know that I am yours

In that passionate moment with your lips against mine

I knew that we would be procreating at any time.

You told me all the wonderful things I wanted to hear

The word coming from your mouth was like diamonds

Forming a crown on my head

Making me queen

With butterflies flying around my bed

I loved that my mind was at peace

When you went down on one knee

And when I said yes you swept me off my feet

There is no other magical moment that I would

Rather remember

I promise that day will always remain on my calendar
