Celebrate Everyday

Celebrate the Beautiful gift
that was given to you
not to keep but to make
every moment unique
and memorable.
Don’t take any part of life for granted handle every step like it was just given to you  and you are just getting ready to make your mark.


In The Rough

My absence has made my heart feel empty

Not able to share what’s happening in my world

My mind was dragged to another place

A place that demanded my attention

A place that will force you to look on no other.

In this place my cries for freedom go unanswered.

But yet again I have escaped,

I have broken the chains

Hoping never to be captured again.


Who Are You?

You share my laughter

You share my heart

You stand up for me when no one else did

You got my back

Have no need to gossip

You are upfront with your views

You are like family

You are a cheer leader

We love each other even though we are not perfect.




Heroes have a heart of a lion

Eager to speak up for what is right.

Respect everyone regardless of race.

Outstretched their arms to others displaying selflessness.

Exceptional character that you won’t find in many.

Saving the world is what they do best.
