We Can Be So Ungrateful

Why can’t there be a perfect moment to revel in the glory? Why can’t I be happy? I am just not successful enough I am stressed and why’s goes on. We go home to a warm meal sleep in comfortable beds have all our basic needs met, yet we are unfulfilled. I walk along the streets hungry mothers, hungry children, males that have lost hope because they have no idea where the next meal is coming from; neither do they have shelter. when I observed these things; It’s hard not to be depressed. It’s moment like these remind me of how ungrateful we can be. If they had a chance to walk an inch in our shoe their gratitude would be far greater than this whining nature that we portray; they would have already learned what it is to be at their lowest.
I am not saying we should settle and not try to go above and beyond our achievements; I am simply saying be thankful for every moment of every day. Change what we can change in our lives, what we can’t leave it to our almighty God he alone has the power to do so.
Life at times take us to desolate places and leaves us with testimonies to share when it takes us to where we should be.


In The Rough

My absence has made my heart feel empty

Not able to share what’s happening in my world

My mind was dragged to another place

A place that demanded my attention

A place that will force you to look on no other.

In this place my cries for freedom go unanswered.

But yet again I have escaped,

I have broken the chains

Hoping never to be captured again.


My Extraordinary Bestfriend

When I look around each day

It’s you that I see

Whether up or down

You are there for me

In my dull moments

You make me smile

And tell me to get myself together

It’s only for awhile

You deserve a gold medal

Around your heart

You are the most genuine motivator

I have ever come across

I will hold your hands to the end

Because you are no other than

My extraordinary best friend.


Your Special Day

This is your special day and I am honored

To celebrate it with you

You deserve to be treated like royalty today

And every day

You are a dedicated father and friend

A husband I would never exchange

In hard times you never fold

You extend your arms to keep us from the cold

You motivate and inspire us each and everyday

I love you Happy Birthday
